Commercial Law For Small And Medium Sized Business Owners
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Commercial Law For Small And Medium Sized Business Owners

Hello, my name is Robin and I own a medium sized business which is based in a suburb of Perth, Australia. Many business owners do not understand the importance of commercial law on their operations. I know that I certainly didn't when I set out. At first, this wasn't an issue but as my business grew, I realised that if I didn't teach myself about the legal rules in place and seek expert help, I would find myself in serious trouble. I got in touch with a great law firm who helped me to understand exactly what I needed to know. I decided to start this blog to help other business owners.


Commercial Law For Small And Medium Sized Business Owners

  • Arrested When Innocent? What You Should and Shouldn't Do

    27 May 2019

    While the system of law and order across Australia is tried and tested, it is not always infallible. Typically, if you have an encounter with a law enforcement officer you can expect to be treated with courtesy and consideration most of the time. Unfortunately, this does not always happen. Sometimes you may simply be in the wrong place at the wrong time, or the officer in question may not believe what you say.

  • As an Online Business Owner, How Can You Make Sure That Your Contracts Are Valid?

    28 June 2018

    Australian consumers are becoming used to ordering all their products and services online, as it's much easier and means that they can avoid taking a trip, finding a place to park and dealing with crowds. When you combine this simplicity with an increasingly sophisticated delivery and distribution network, it's not surprising to see this upward trend. This is hardly the end for any business that has a brick-and-mortar element, so long as they rapidly embrace the virtual business world.

  • Why It's Crucial to Detail Your Entire Financial Situation During a Separation

    28 June 2018

    If your marriage or partnership has sadly descended into acrimony, it can be difficult to calm everything down. Cooler heads may not always prevail, and you may find that your former partner has now commenced proceedings that could end up in family court. You know that you will have to defend your ground, and you may also be required to submit detailed information to their lawyers to substantiate their claim for support.

  • When Are Sport Injuries Personal Liability Cases?

    17 January 2018

    If you or your child gets hurt playing sport, you may want to contact a lawyer. In some cases, you may have a personal injury lawsuit on your hands. There are a number of factors you need to consider. 1. Did the Condition of the Playing Field Cause the Injury? In some cases, the injury may have been caused by the condition of the playing field. For instance, if your child was running track and a large pothole in the middle of the track caused him or her to fall, that could be considered negligence.

  • 3 Steps To Handle An Unfair Employment Termination Lawsuit

    29 March 2017

    As a small business order, you probably value all your employees and don't want to make the harsh decision to let anyone go. But unfortunately, circumstances beyond your control can arise, resulting in you being forced to let an employee go. A disgruntled employee can potentially slap you with an unfair employment termination lawsuit. Follow these steps to protect yourself. Resist The Temptation To Call Your Employee When you run a small business, you may have developed a personal rapport with employees.