Commercial Law For Small And Medium Sized Business Owners
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Commercial Law For Small And Medium Sized Business Owners

Hello, my name is Robin and I own a medium sized business which is based in a suburb of Perth, Australia. Many business owners do not understand the importance of commercial law on their operations. I know that I certainly didn't when I set out. At first, this wasn't an issue but as my business grew, I realised that if I didn't teach myself about the legal rules in place and seek expert help, I would find myself in serious trouble. I got in touch with a great law firm who helped me to understand exactly what I needed to know. I decided to start this blog to help other business owners.


Commercial Law For Small And Medium Sized Business Owners

  • A Novice's Guide to The Conveyancing Process

    28 March 2018

    Are you new to the property buying process? There's a lot you may not know about what is involved in buying a property, which could mean making mistakes that will cost you quite significantly. One crucial element you may not be aware of is conveyancing. It's the process of transferring property ownership from one person or entity to another. The success of your property buying process sometimes depends on how effective the conveyancing process is.

  • Choosing a Wills Lawyer Who Will Properly Oversee Your Estate

    21 February 2018

    You probably already know the importance of having a will. It protects your estate after you pass away and ensures that your property is distributed according to your specific wishes. To ensure that your will is properly written and enacted, you need to work with a wills and estate lawyer who is not only qualified to act on your behalf, but is also aware of the specific needs and desires for your estate.

  • When Are Sport Injuries Personal Liability Cases?

    17 January 2018

    If you or your child gets hurt playing sport, you may want to contact a lawyer. In some cases, you may have a personal injury lawsuit on your hands. There are a number of factors you need to consider. 1. Did the Condition of the Playing Field Cause the Injury? In some cases, the injury may have been caused by the condition of the playing field. For instance, if your child was running track and a large pothole in the middle of the track caused him or her to fall, that could be considered negligence.

  • Family Law Options for Ending a Marriage

    8 December 2017

    Ending a relationship is a stressful process. As well as being emotionally taxing, that process is also legally complicated. After years of marriage, you know where your differences lie and understand the reasons that you need to be apart from a person you once loved. For those reasons, going over your personal issues and grievances with a family law expert might seem like the last thing you want to do. While avoiding legal advice on your relationship issues might seem like an easy solution, it can create long-term problems which exacerbate existing disputes.

  • What Spouses Should Avoid During a Divorce Process

    28 October 2017

    Unlike yesteryears when divorce was considered a social anomaly, separation of married persons has become acceptable in relationships today. Therefore, if you are going through a divorce, you should not feel socially awkward. However, it should not take away the fact that separations can be relatively disruptive no matter how civil the partners opt to become. Therefore, the success of family lawyers in ensuring divorce processes go smoothly largely depends on the ability of partners to carry themselves with decorum.